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what is gel color nail polish?

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what is gel color nail polish?

gel color nail polish is a type of nail lacquer that applies like regular nail polish but requires no drying time. Instead, the gel color nail polish is cured with ultraviolet (UV) light, creating a stronger and longer-lasting finish. It is popular among professional manicurists, as well as home users for its ease of application and removal. This article will explore the benefits of using gel color nail polish, tips on how to apply it correctly and what to look out for when buying it. Read on to learn more about this innovative beauty product!

gel color nail polish

What is gel color nail polish?

How is gel color nail polish different from regular nail polish?

How to remove gel color nail polish

What is gel color nail polish?

gel color nail polish is a type of nail lacquer that is cured under ultraviolet (UV) or LED light. The result is a long-lasting, high-gloss finish. gel color nail polish has become increasingly popular in recent years as it provides a salon-quality manicure at home.

To apply gel color nail polish, you will need to purchase a UV or LED lamp designed specifically for curing gel nails. These lamps can be found online or at most beauty supply stores. You will also need to purchase gel color nail polish and base/top coat (also called “builder gel”). Most gel color nail polishes are sold in sets that include all three products.

To begin, prep your nails as you would for any other type of manicure. This means cleaning and shaping your nails, and pushing back your cuticles. Once your nails are prepped, apply a thin layer of base coat to each nail. Be sure to cap the free edge of your nails to prevent chipping. Cure your nails under the UV or LED light for the time specified by the manufacturer (usually two minutes).

Next, apply your gel color polish in thin coats. Cure each coat under UV or LED light for two minutes before applying the next. Once you have achieved the desired opacity, apply a thin layer of top coat and cure for two minutes. Your gel color manicure is now complete!

How is gel color nail polish different from regular nail polish?

gel color nail polish is a type of nail polish that is cured by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) or LED light. Gel polish is thinner than regular nail polish, and it dries quickly. It is also more durable and chip-resistant than regular nail polish.

How to remove gel color nail polish

To remove gel color nail polish, you will need to use a UV or LED light. These lights help to cure the gel, so that it will set and become hard. Once the gel has hardened, you can then use a file or buffer to remove the polish.

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